Generate more value from your influencers on Twitch.

Trendpoint streamlines your influencer marketing experience with real-time analytics, AI-driven insights and seamless account management.

Track any Twitch channelswant.

Upload any channels you want to track and enjoy real-time analytics in your customized dashboard.

Create custom reports

Enjoy automated reporting and build custom reports for your influencer marketing activities on Twitch.

Gain valuable insights

Receive AI-driven insights to understand what content drives the most engagement and views.

Store contact details

Store contracts and creator details directly inside the platform, always GDPR and CCPA compliant.

Simplify your sponsorship experience.

Get started with your current collaborations and experience scalablility with effortless onboarding as you grow.  

Automated Analytics

Automatic reporting with real-time analytics, custom reports and AI-driven insights.

Account Management

Effortless account management with resources and tools built specifically for Twitch collaborations.

Get early access.

Try the first version of our product and get access to Trendpoint before anyone else.

How it works.

Getting started with Trendpoint only requires a few clicks.

Upload the channels you want to track.

Get started by uploading the Twitch channels you want to track via Trendpoint. You can choose to bulk-upload via CSV or upload manually.

Sit back and relax.

Once your channels have been uploaded, you can sit back and relax as data is being collected and analyzed.

Create reports.

Browse the data collected and create custom reports that summarizes channel analytics, compares performance and measures trends.

Frequently asked questions

What exactly does Trendpoint do?


Trendpoint is a data analytics platform for brands, esports organizations and agencies working with influencers on Twitch.

Our infrastructure lets you upload any number of Twitch channels and monitor their performance. As analytics are being tracked, Trendpoint creates user-friendly graphs, tables and insights directly in your dashboard — so you can make data driven decisions and track your KPIs.

How does it work?


Get started by bulk-uploading the channels you want to track either via CSV or single-upload directly via the platform.

Once your channels have been uploaded, Trendpoint will begin calling the Twitch API to gather their analytics real-time. Any collected data is then stored in our database, where calculations are made to later populate the cards and other elements of the platform.

What progress have you made so far?


We started thinking of Trendpoint in October 2023 following conversations with several brands, organizations and agencies to understand their pain points.

Based on the pain points and feedback we gathered — we began building a minimum viable product (MVP), which was completed in the middle of December 2023.

We are now collaborating with organizations to build on top of our MVP and gather additional feedback that will take Trendpoint to the next level.

Can I test or demo your product?


Yes, you can join our closed beta by signing up to our waitlist here.

We are currently in a closed beta phase where we are gathering useful insight from brands, esports organizations and agencies in the industry to build a great product.

Who is behind Trendpoint?


Trendpoint is solely owned by Moodbased AB, a Swedish web agency created by Oscar Lord and Albert Wickman.

Get early access.

Enter your details below and you'll be the first one to know when Trendpoint launches.

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